Monday, October 15, 2007

Republican flip flop on Generals

They defend General Petraeus for his rhetoric laden testimony.

When attacked by a leftwing group, they rushed to General Petraeus' defense, citing that those who have served this nation ought to be regarded with the highest of respects.

'Cept when it comes to their benefits...

I digress...

Enter General Richardo Sanchez.
Sanchez, who was coalition commander in 2003 and 2004, called the Iraq war "a nightmare with no end in sight." He said the Bush administration, the State Department and Congress all share blame.

General Sanchez has the same right to express his opinion as General Petraeus did before Congress.

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham took shots at the General.

Senator McCain blasted him as well.

As did Senator Mitch McConnell.

With General Shinseki being forced out for his statements that significant numbers of troops would be needed to secure Iraq, it's not tough to see how Sanchez would tread lightly on the political battlefield of Iraq.

And the swiftboating of our Veterans continues...

Where the hell is that war czar anyways?

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