Sunday, March 02, 2008

Terri Bonoff at SD 42

If I were in the 3rd, I'd vote for Madia. With that said, State Senator Terri Bonoff gave a pretty good speech yesterday at the SD 42 Convention.

A couple of thoughts from the speech.

Senator Bonoff states she "built a strong coalition that was able to override that transportation bill." Interesting. The Senate already had a veto proof majority to start this session.

Bonoff also states "I am a life long Democrat and I was born and raised in this district." She's definitely taking a shot at Madia's party loyalty and it could be interpreted an attack on his heritage as well. I think her "soccer mom" references will play well though.

The next two weekends will be interesting. Lots of conventions between Bonoff, Hovland, and Madia.

In twisting this back to the 6th, at least delegates in the 3rd have had an opportunity to see these candidates debate. Instead of anointing a candidate in the 3rd, they have a damn good race!

People in the 6th ought to be taking notes...

1 comment:

Mike said...

The sad part was, there were parts of the convention "floor" where there was no audio, so we could only hear the candidates that really projected their voices. Unfortunately for Bonoff, her voice alone did not carry to the part of the floor where I was at.