Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tinklenberg Trails Bachmann in Polls

Don't have a lot of time right now...but this caught my eye this morning over at Dump Bachmann.

The same poll indicating a 37-33 lead for John Kline over Steve Sarvi (within the margin of error), indicates Tinklenberg trails Bachmann 40-27.

While the polling is disappointing for those of us who have gone unrepresented in Congress for the past 2 years, hope remains strong.

Tinklenberg and Bachmann have yet to debate. The first and only debate (to this date) has been scheduled for Monday September 29th in Monticello.

We have yet to see any TV ads in the race.

Organized door knocks for Elwyn and local candidates are happening in our side of the district, an area virtually neglected by Wetterling in 04 and 06.

We still have time...but we can no longer sit back and hope we've made the case against Bachmann. We've got to get loud and make sure people know just how much of a failure Congresswoman Bachmann has become.

The time is now...

1 comment:

eric zaetsch said...

I got a Tinklenberg campaign donation solicitation call yesterday.

While I told the caller that hell is still quite warm, not frozen over, it does show that taking on the Oberstar staff fund-raising specialist may be causing renewed emphasis on phone-bank work.

But wow. 40% to 27%, that is substantial. It shows, unless Tink can goose up the numbers, that Bill McCarthy and crew bet on a slow troubled horse.

And Bachmann is fresh from a decisive primary win.

The Sarvi numbers, however, are quite substantial and suggest that anyone with limited resources to give might have a better hope of eliminating Kline, over eliminating Bachmann.

We certainly do not want both to survive.

Is it a case to now put all the eggs in one basket?

Is it like the GOP last cycle where the recognition that Mark Kennedy was DOA convinced the GOP to bet other races?

Any rumblings Blue Man, or readers, about that?