Thursday, November 26, 2009

Navy SEALS: Let them do their job!

I caught this story this morning and ticks me off.
Ahmed Hashim Abed, whom the military code-named "Objective Amber," told investigators he was punched by his captors — and he had the bloody lip to prove it.

Now, instead of being lauded for bringing to justice a high-value target, three of the SEAL commandos, all enlisted, face assault charges and have retained lawyers.

Matthew McCabe, a Special Operations Petty Officer Second Class (SO-2), is facing three charges: dereliction of performance of duty for willfully failing to safeguard a detainee, making a false official statement, and assault.

Petty Officer Jonathan Keefe, SO-2, is facing charges of dereliction of performance of duty and making a false official statement.

Petty Officer Julio Huertas, SO-1, faces those same charges and an additional charge of impediment of an investigation.
So the guy that masterminded this...

got a bloody lip and 3 Navy SEALS who brought him to justice are being prosecuted?

Since we're bringing GITMO detainee's and 9-11 conspirators to NYC for a trial, what about bringing Ahmed Hashim Abed to the United States so these brave Navy SEALS can face their accuser?

Conservative, moderate, or does not matter when the bureaucrats decide they want to make an example out of someone.


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