Thursday, January 11, 2007

Minnesota leaders speak out

Governor Pawlenty expressed his disappointment at Bush's "surge".

Wednesday evening, Gov. Tim Pawlenty was among those who said they were
extremely disappointed and frustrated by the extension.

"This decision by federal officials is not consistent with the
expectation or understanding provided to our soldiers," Pawlenty said in a
strongly worded statement. "It's unfair to them and their families."

The head of the Minnesota National Guard, Maj. Gen. Larry Shellito,
said the Guard "is disappointed with the impact of this extension on our
citizen-soldiers, families, employers and the communities they serve."

Lt. Col. Kevin Olson, a Guard spokesman, said the extension is

The impact of Bush's decision will be witnessed more significantly in the small towns in Central Minnesota. As I campaigned across our district I spoke to countless numbers of families who are directly impacted by this "surge".

2008 will be another big year for Democrats...

A premed student at the University of Minnesota, Ryan Weisenburger enlisted
in the Guard for financial aid.

After the shock of deployment last year, he believed he would serve as
a medic. But he showed a knack for spotting roadside bombs, and now drives the
lead truck in supply convoys.

"He got really good at finding the roadside bombs," his worried
stepmother said, "and I yelled at him for being good."

Indeed, Mr. Weisenburger is not alone. Trained medics, mechanics, and other "soft skill MOS's" are being asked to to the duty of a Combat Arms soldier. The task they complete is tough and they do it well.

This case just shows the abject failure in which this war is being led. Soldiers spend significant amounts of time training. We train to be the best mechanics and best medics they can be. When we continue to put them in positions they are not trained for, bad things happen.

It's yet another reason this war is so wrong...

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