Thursday, March 29, 2007

MinnCan Pipeline in Enterprise Dispatch

Last weeks Dassel Cokato Enterprise Dispatch had a nice little article, written by an intern, about the MinnCan pipeline.

Was this a press release from Koch Industries or the Minnesota Pipeline Company?

It sure reads awful smarmy.
Over the next few months, MinnCan representatives will distribute the final easement payments, and complete various environmental projects. In some areas,
initial construction preparation and activity could begin.

After they twisted the knife in our collective backs once again. Recall the Administrative Judge that scolded the Minnesota Pipeline Company, and indirectly Koch Industries, for their coercive and deceitful tactics in obtaining easements at many farms across the state.

But what I found to be of more interest in the press rel...errrr, news story was the amount in property taxes that will be generated by this pipeline.

Depending on the number of miles of pipeline installed in each county, after
construction is completed, the county will receive $120,000 to $1.8 million in
property taxes annually, paid by the Minnesota Pipe Line Company. In addition,
once operational, the pipeline will generate approximately $9 million in annual
local property tax revenues.

Perhaps the County Commissioners and other locally elected leaders see merely dollar signs with the project, not the situations Eden Valley residents envision.

Campaign Finance reports show that both Rep Dean Urdahl and Senator Steve Dille have received campaign contributions from the Northwest Petroleum PAC.

Dille received $250 on August 2nd
Urdahl received $250 on February 10

Interestingly enough, they also gave Scott Newman $500 in 2006, the former State Rep running for a District Judge position in West Central Minnesota.

Follow the money trail...oftentimes it will explain a lot!

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