Friday, April 13, 2007

The Mark Kennedy sign that won't go away

It's a good thing Buffalo is paying more attention to the signage celebrating its Boys Basketball Championship and not the political types.

I am not sure how to feel about going from a Congressman that did not represent us to a Congresswoman who not only fails to represent us, but embarrasses us as well. Ok, so I completely know how I feel...anyway!

As I have reported before, Mark Kennedy's Congressional sign is still up at the intersection of highways 55 and 25 in Buffalo.

Sorry for the Zapruder film quality, it's real!

Since Bachmann's team serves its constituents out of one office in Woodbury, about as far East of Buffalo as one can go and still be in Minnesota, the Western section of the 6th is neglected.

Is Kennedy planning on running again in 08?

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