Thursday, June 28, 2007

More from the Cucking Stool

Spot comments on the apology.

Let's just be sure Spot has this straight: if Hal is a former student, it's okay to savage him and compare him to Gomer Pyle, If he's a student, however, he gets the kid glove treatment. Banaian's invective—especially on his website—was full of information about Hal Kimball's time as a student, a student activist, at that. How do you think that your remarks bore the imprimatur of Saint Cloud State any less if Hal was merely a former student, Professor?

Banaian wants to be sure that we know that he's never likely to cross paths with Hal Kimball at school; Hal is going to be studying social responsibility. Boy, your right, Prof, little risk there.

It's no wonder why the Cucking Stool is the best liberal blog in the Twin Cities.

I have accepted Dr Banaian's apology, although his email apology differed dramatically from his SCSU Scholars apology. Seems like he wanted to save some face publicly, after he bloodied mine publicly.

An astute reader tipped me off to another bit of irony from Saturday's eruption of Mt. St. Banaian.

The hour beforehand, Gary Gross from Let Freedom Ring, was on the air with MDE and Dr Banaian discussing campaign tactics.

During the first hour, Michael said that his perspective on campaigns was to
“never bring a knife to a gun fight”, a position that I wholeheartedly subscribe
to. In fact, when I called, I said that “We can be sure that the DFL is bringing
‘a gun’ to the campaign so let’s adopt this slogan: ‘It’s time to break out the

Recall that MDE defends his actions in bringing forth info on Independent Dean Barkley's possible 2008 campaign for Congress in the 6th.

And exposing Luke Hellier for the unqualified political operative he is crosses a line? In fact, it shows the hypocrisy of the right.

The MnSCU system roughly has 70,000 students in the 4 year system. If Governor Pawlenty selects Hellier to represent us in St Paul, the message is clear.

He doesn't care. He'd put a student with no experience as a public college student in a postion to advocate for them.

Furthermore, he couldn't find a conservative student amongst those that have served in College Republican, Student Association and other 4 year campus leadership positions.

That's why conservative students in Mankato and St Cloud continue to send me info on Hellier on a daily basis.

Will the Governor actually appoint this student on the July 1 deadline? I suspect that if Weigold or Kazee is appointed, he'll do so early. If it's Hellier, he'll wait for it to cool off a bit to do so.


Avidor said...

"Knife to a gun fight"

I heard that too.... what a joke.

Tough-talking, macho guys who don't know the difference between a rifle and a shotgun.

Avidor said...

"Knife to a gun fight"

I heard that too.... what a joke.

Tough-talking, macho guys who don't know the difference between a rifle and a shotgun.