Thursday, August 30, 2007

Army of Dude sets it straight again!

Alex at Armyofdude has his first post, following the LA Times story, and sets the blogosphere straight on a couple of issues!
I’m glad to have a bigger forum than a week ago, regardless of the critical fallout. The intention of this blog from day one was to chronicle my experiences in a way for people to understand and interpret what was going on beyond what was being filtered, distilled and spat out of the mainstream media. When the deputy prime minister came to Baqubah for the first time a few weeks ago, an envoy of officers followed. Captains, lieutenant colonels and generals all took part in the tour of the local shops and visits with the residents. We were ordered to stay out of any pictures taken. Why? To falsely show that the Iraqi Army was in charge and we were on the sidelines.

In the last month of the deployment, on one of our few days off, we risked our lives so the Army, at some level, could throw a rose colored lens onto a news camera for the benefit of...I don’t know who.

President Eisenhower warned of the growing military industrial complex in his farewell address. Since Dick Cheney can now afford solid gold oil derricks, it’s safe to say we failed Ike miserably. After losing two friends and over a dozen comrades, I have this to say:

Do not wage war unless it is absolutely, positively the last ditch effort for survival.

I was a struggling senior in high school when the invasion took place, and I supported it. I was mesmerized by the way we raced across the desert and took Baghdad in less than a month. War was a sleek, glossy commercial on TV, and we always won at the end. It’s easy to be for a war when you have absolutely no connection with it. Patriotism lead me to believe what we were doing was right and noble. What a difference a deployment can make.

The public can do something about this. It doesn’t have to be a hopeless cause forever. Write your Congressmen, go to a rally, read as much as you can about Iraq to see it for what it is: a place men go to lose their minds and their lives. And most importantly, love your children. Teach them that war is not honorable, it’s no plaything cast with an indifferent hand. It’s the most terrible thing man ever brought to the world. My generation didn’t learn from Vietnam, but the next one can learn from us. The memories and spirit of Chevy and Jesse compel you, America. Do not forget your fallen sons.

Congresswoman Bachmann needs to listen to soldiers like Alex Horton and Brandon Day.


Al Swearengen said...

Can you shoot me an email? It's been a while - I've been caught up with a lot of different things. I've got something interesting to share w/ you though, kind of having to do with these military blogs.

Peace - Chris


Al Swearengen said...

oh - almost forgot - you probably still have this, but just in case (

Robert Weller said...

please send me an e-mail. blue girl in a red state knows me.

JohnSunlight said...

My name is John and I work on the wiki - a non-partisan wiki reporting project on Congress. I saw that you have been covering Minnesota politics and stories on members of Congress from Minnesota (among other things) and we'd like to put you on our blogroll for that state. Can you email me at SunlightUser2 [at]
