Wednesday, June 25, 2008

End of Quarter Push!

The end of the FEC quarter means one thing...a mad dash for cash!

Remember the record breaking caucuses this past winter. The momentum is still there!

As the parade and door knocking season is now in full swing, it's time for all of us to step forward and help our candidates in any way we can.

They can't do this without money. Coleman, Bachmann, Kline and Paulsen have significant amounts of COH at this point and we need to step up and help turn Minnesota a very dark shade of blue this November.

Steve Sarvi, Ashwin Madia, Elwyn Tinklenberg and Al Franken provide us with a strong shot at making every federal seat blue come November.

In cahoots with other progressive bloggers across the state, MnPublius, Minnesota Campaign Report, Power Liberal, Christopher Truscott, and Centrisity, we are working to raise $1000 total by the end of the quarter.

An ActBlue page has been set up to take your contributions! Any amount you provide will assist our candidates in turning Minnesota a deeper shade of blue!

Please spread this message across all lists!

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