Thursday, October 09, 2008

Brian Davis Sucks On Veterans Issues

Holy crap this guy is clueless. Anyone who would vote for Brian Davis for Congress, well...

Brian Davis on Veterans Issues:
What action would you take to provide better educational methods and health care to our veterans?

Uh let me say that my father is a retired WWII veteran and he has received some of his health care Veterans administration. As a physician part of my training in a VA hospital and I’ll tell you very good basic health care that occurs at a VA hospital. We have to respect that when people have worked there. And for the tens of millions of veterans who receive their care there.

(We?)(Who?) are always looking for improvements. I can’t identify any specific areas where we would improve the educational or healthcare methods for veterans. I know there was a recent bill passed that is doing just that.

I tell with my background, my interests, my respect for veterans. As a representative of the next congressman of this district I take this issue very seriously and will always be on the look out to make sure it is as high quality it possibly can be.

I can't identify any specific areas where we would improve the educational or healthcare methods for veterans?

Seriously? Congressman Walz was endorsed by VFW PAC. Brian Davis can't identify ONE area in which he would improve Veterans benefits.

Incredible. Brian Davis needs to stop taking debate lessons from Miss South Carolina...

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