Thursday, July 30, 2009

Minnesota GOP Steps Up to Defend Far Left Conspiracy Theories

Just when you think the Minnesota Republican Party couldn't be in any worse shape...

I mean really, we're talking about following in the footsteps of Ron Carey and his press release templates.

I honestly didn't think things could get much worse under the dynamic duo of Tony Sutton and Michael Brodkorb...

Oh how I was wrong!

In very calculated and well thought out act of strategery, Sutton and Brodkorb launched an ad campaign in Minnesota's 7th Congressional District, taking shots at Congressman Peterson for his remarks on 9-11 conspiracy theories and constituent outreach.

Now, when you hear folks saying Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the Government were behind the attacks on 9-11, what do you thing of?

I think of left-wing...well...wacko's. I do.

So, in a district that Peterson won by more than 40% in 2008 and probably the third most conservative district in the State, Sutton and Brodkorb decide to come to the defense of left wing wackos?


Didn't Seifert and other House Republicans try to get rid of RINO's the past few years? I guess they're really stretching that big tent concept...

I'm waiting for Ashton Kutcher to show up anytime now...

I like Congressman Peterson, and while he's too conservative at times for my tastes, he represents the enormous 7th CD well. In fact, the GOP attacks on Peterson's comments may actually serve to prove to those on the right that Peterson IS a better representative for them, after all his dissing of those damn left wing wackos.

Peterson may end up in better shape after the 5 figure ad buy! I can see the McLeod County GOP folks lining up to support Peterson now, especially after Peterson came out against those damn liberals!

But it gets better.

Ryan Flynn and the clowns at MDE think they're having a field day with Congressman Peterson's statements.
Once again, this has been a great week for the MNGOP putting pressure on Congressman Peterson.
While part of me didn't want to create this post and allow the MN GOP to continue their nonsense, my zeal for going after the MN GOP surpassed that.

So, anyone else feel better about the new direction of the Minnesota GOP?


Charlie Quimby said...

So true.

eric zaetsch said...

Chairman of the Ag Committee.

These farmers, like absentee farmer Jim Deal with 700+ acres in the district while running his crop insurance business from Ramsey in Anoka County. These folks are going to dump Peterson and give that seniority and position up over some statement?

Cargill's going to let that happen?

We will see flying pigs first. Remember Edward Edwards, former Guv of Louisiana, saying the only thing that would get him unelected would be being found in bed with a dead woman or a live boy?

Peterson is about that secure, and less flamboyant. A gold standard.

Yet that's what these bleating GOP activists believe they will undo.

It does keep them out of mischief elsewhere where they might be effective. So keep on the scent trail, dogs. Woof it up.