Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Maureen Reed for Congress Blog Trolls

Is someone from Reed for Congress actually trolling the liberal blogs and posting positive things about the person paying them?

Taxpaying Liberal seems to have caught something funny going on with a poster named MnBlue and using an email address from maureenreedforcongress.com.

How can you not be smart enough to cover your tracks when trolling the blogs? Seriously!

It's turning into amateur hour around here...

And speaking of amateur hour...lets talk about COH.

Boasting that you are beating Senator Clark in COH figures when Clark has been in the race for 9 weeks is ludicrous.

Back in the 2nd quarter reporting period, Reed for Congress reported that raising $230,000 in 8 weeks was setting a "sizzling pace".

What does $308,000 in 9 weeks say?

So Reed has been in the race essentially 1 quarter more than Clark.

Holding a $30,000 COH lead when you've been in the race nearly 1 full quarter more than your opponent and having the audacity to brag about it shows the sheer desperation on the part of Reed for Congress.

Amateur hour...frickin amateur hour!

1 comment:

eric zaetsch said...

I think it is time for the MnBlue thing to be resolved. The Reed lead campaign people have put email contact info online at the Reed campaign website:

Jason Isaacson, Campaign Manager

For Press Inquiries Please Contact:

Trevor Willett, Communications Dir.

Someone should email those two, the question being

"Is the person who has been frequently posting comments on local blogs under the pseudonym of "MnBlue" a paid Reed staffer, and if so please name the individual and his/her role in the Reed effort? Please ferret out an honest answer from those being paid. Thank you."

Friend or family, well, how tight do you measure free speech? But on the payroll, be frank about it, because it weighs on credibility to not be fully up front.